Introduction - A brief annotated bibliography around the concept of "evolutionary city". East-Africa Cities; Hydro-Generated Urbanism in Latin America, China New Urbanization


  • Anna Irene Del Monaco


Following the forewords essays expanding the theme of "evolutionary city", this second volume of the review "L'architettura delle città – The Journal of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni" includes a dense number of papers from the proceedings of the Seminar East-Africa Cities Lab. Urbanization vs Human Survival – organized by the UNESCO-Chair in "Sustainable Urban Quality and Urban Culture, notably in Africa" of Sapienza University of Rome and held in Rome on April 28th 2014“ and a number of papers submitted by international scholars for an "internal"call for paper among the partners institutions of the UNESCO-Chair on the theme: "the evolutionary age of the city". The volume is divided in three sections distinguished for geographical areas and issues: East-Africa Cities, Hydro-Generated Urbanism in Latin America, China New Urbanization. Here after some bibliographical notes follow. They are supposed to be useful to integrate the studies related to the themes of the three sections of this volume and to the contributions collected.


Adenrele Awotona, Housing Provision and Bottom-Up Approaches: Family Case Studies from Africa, Asia and South America, Ashgate Pub, 1998

Lucio Barbera, Proposal for the study of a Territorial Model for Venice and the Rebalance of the Veneto Region, Technital, AA.VV., 1972

Lucio Valerio Barbera, The City in the Evolutionary Age, in "L'architettura delle città . The journal of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni", n. 3-4-5/ 2014

Piero Bevilaqua, Venice and the Water:Â A Model For Our Planet, Polar Bear & Company, 2009

Patrick Geddes, Cities in Evolution. An introduction to the town planning movement and to the study of civics, Williams & Norgate, 1915

Winy Maas and Daniel Dekkers, Spacefighter: The Evolutionary City (Game), Research Report 2005/2006. The Berlage Institute Research Report n.1

Paolo Maretto, La Casa Veneziana nella storia della città . Dalle origini all’Ottocento, Marsilio, 1987

Stephen Marshall, Cities Design and Evolution, Routledge, 2008

Garth Myers, Discussion paper 50, Nordiska AfrikaInstitutet Uppsala, 2010

Garth Myers, African Cities alternative visions of urban theory and practice, Zed Books, 2012

Kate Orff, Richard Misrach, Petrochemical America, Aperture 2012

Philipp Oswalt, Kai Vöckler, Shringking Cities Volume 2, Hatje Cantz, 2006

Edgar Pieterse, AbdouMaliq Simone, Rogue Urbanism: Emergent African Cities, Jacana Media, 2013

Ludovico Quaroni, L’architettura delle città , Ed. Sansaini, 1939

Ludovico Quaroni, Il progetto per la città , Edizioni Kappa, 1996

Giulio Sapelli, Un racconto apocalittico, Bruno Mondadori, 2011

Saskia Sassen, Bridging the ecologies of cities and of nature, from The UNESCO Portal, 2009

Saskia Sassen, Columbia University speach, 2013

AbdouMaliq Simone, Straddling the Divides: Remaking Associational Life in the Informal African City, in “International Journal of Urban and Regional Research†Volume 25.1 March, 2001

Carl Smith, City water, city life, Water and the Infrastructure of Ideas in Urbanizing Philadelphia Boston and Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013

UN Habitat, The State of African Cities, Nairobi, 2010

Paola Viganò, Extreme Cities and Bad Places, Disaster Risk Sci., 2012






L'Architettura delle città-The Journal of Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni

How to Cite

Introduction - A brief annotated bibliography around the concept of "evolutionary city". East-Africa Cities; Hydro-Generated Urbanism in Latin America, China New Urbanization. (2014). L’architettura Delle città  - The Journal of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni, 2(3-4-5).